Empowering Agriculture

Empowering stakeholders in the agriculture export sector

EkaaGlobalConnect is committed to upholding core values in agriculture exports, ensuring quality produce, and establishing reliable partnerships.

Our focus on efficient logistics guarantees timely delivery and customer satisfaction.

Let’s start embracing healthy snacks and meal options that will nourish our minds while keeping our bodies in harmony.

Flavoured FoxNuts

My path to establishing the foundation of Ekaa (unique) GlobalConnect began with my mother’s experience during the Covid-19 pandemic.

I still find it hard to forget the nightmare of when my mother tested positive for COVID-19. At over 60 years old, she already had several pre-existing health conditions, including high blood pressure, sleep apnea, obesity, and diabetes. The onset of this virus exacerbated her existing symptoms and introduced new ones. It was a frightening experience for our entire family. I began monitoring her oxygen levels as she struggled with shortness of breath. The level of fatigue and weakness she felt was unlike anything she had ever encountered before!

I am relieved that my mother recovered, and I sincerely appreciate all my loved ones who offered the mental support we desperately needed during that challenging period. I am also thankful for the Ayurvedic diet that aided in her swift recovery. Among the various remedies, I decided to highlight Makhana (Fox Nuts) from my home state of Bihar in India as an Ayurvedic superfood to share with a worldwide audience.

In Ayurveda, it is understood that the universe consists of five fundamental elements: vayu (air), jala (water), akash (space), teja (fire), and prithvi (earth). For my initial selection of a superfood aimed at balancing our energies, I have chosen to spotlight makhana for further exploration. The word makhana is derived from the Sanskrit terms makh (which refers to sacred ritual) and anna (meaning grain).

These seeds have sweet (madhura rasa ), astringent (kashaya rasa), and bitter (tikta rasa) tastes. But retains only a sweet taste after digestion. ,Heavy to digest (guru), increases the moistness of tissues (snigdha), and has cold potency (sheeta veerya). It balances Vata dosha and pitta dosha.

These seeds contain carbohydrates, protein, very low fat, dietary fiber, calcium, potassium, and iron. It is very low in glycemic.

Let’s start enjoying wholesome snacks and food choices that nurture our minds and maintain balance in our bodies.

Unite with Ekaa family to foster togetherness!

Fox Nut Cultivation

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